Metal carbonyl
*Metal carbonyls :-All transition metals form metal carbonyls that is a complex in viz carbon
monoxoide acts as a ligand.Almost all metal carbonyls follow 18 electron rule .
eg.Fe(CO)5=18 e-Mn(CO)5=17 e- =unstable ,so dimerizes
Mn2(CO)10=(CO)5-Mn-(CO)5..........follow 18 e- rule
other by electron capturing mechanism;-
eg.V(CO)6+Na-------> [V(CO)6]-
-Classification of metal carbonyl on the basis of ligands...
a.Homoleptic carbonyl complex ;- Only CO is ligand
b.Heteroleptic carbonyl complex;-Ligands other than CO are also present.
eg.Mo(CO)3(PF3)3,Mo(CO)3(PPh3)3,Cr(CO)3(NO)2 etc.
*Molecular orbital diagram for CO ;-
C=1s2 2s2 2p2 valance electron=4
O=1s2 2s2 2p4 valance electron=6
total valance electron =10
CO donates sigma electrons from σ* s( HOMO) to vacant d orbitals of transition metal.But if metal can't accomodate the extra electron donated by carbonyl ligand .so metal donates electron back to the LUMO of carbonyl group. ( π *p ) and these electron comes back to homo of CO.So when CO donates electron to metal.It is formed a sigma bond and this is called sigma donating ability.When metal donate electron back to the LUMO of carbonyl it leads to formation of ( π ) bond .This is called ( π) accepting ability of ligand is also called ( π ) acceptor ligand.
[ The formation of sigma bond is supplimented by (π) bond formation & vice -versa]
This process is called synergism & this effect is called synergestic effect.
* Carbonyl ;- Metal carbonyl bridging are of three types.
1.μ2 Bridging;- M-CO-M
3. μ3Bridging
υCO = semibridging > μ2- CO> μ3-Co
[ More negative charge on complex -> more charge on metal -> more back π bonding-> M-C bond strong -> C=O bond long -> υ decreases.]
*Subtitution:- Subtitution reaction are of three types in the carbonyl mechanism.
1.Dissociative mechanism :-The comlex which follow 18 electron rule under go dissociative mechanism.Rate of dissociative mechanism will be slow because energy is required to break the bond.
General mechanism for dissociative mechanism:-
Step 1. MX --------> LnM + X
18e- 16 e-
Step2.LnM + y --------> LnM-y
16e- 18e-
eg.W(CO)6--------> W(CO)5 + CO
18e- 16e-
W(CO)5 + PPh3--------> W(CO)5PPh3
16e- 18e-
2.Associative mechanism:-The comlex viz follow 16 e- ruleunder go associative mechanism. Rate will be fast.First bond is formed & energy released in this process will be used in breaking bond.
General mechanism for associative mechanism:-
Step1:- LnM-X + y- -------> LnM-Xy
16e- 18e-
Step2:-Ln-MXy ----------> LnM-y + X-
18e- 16e-
3.Interchange mechanism:- The leaving & entering group exchange in a single step by forming a transition state .
LnM-X + y ----------> [y-----LnM------X]+
eg. Ni(CO)4 + PR3 ---------> Ni (CO)3PR3
Ni(CO)3PR3 + PR3 ---------> Ni(CO)2(PR3)2
Ni(CO)2(PR3)2 + PR3 --------> Ni(CO)(PR3)3
Ni(CO)(PR3)3 +PR3 --------->Ni(PR3)4
*Effects of ion pairing :-
Polycationic complexes tend to form ion pairs with anions and these ion pairs often undergo reactions via the Ia pathway. The electrostatically held nucleophile can exchange positions with a ligand in the first coordination sphere, resulting in net substitution. An illustrative process comes from the "anation" (reaction with an anion) of chromium(III) hexaaquo complex:
[Cr(H2O)6]3+ + SCN− ⇌ {[Cr(H2O)6], NCS}2+
{[Cr(H2O)6], NCS}2+ ⇌ [Cr(H2O)5NCS]2+ + H2O
*Eigen-Wilkins mechanism:-
The Eigen-Wilkins mechanism, named after chemists Manfred Eigen and R. G. Wilkins,is a mechanism and rate law in coordination chemistry governing associative substitution reactions of octahedral complexes. It was discovered for substitution by ammonia of a chromium-(III) hexaaqua complex.The key feature of the mechanism is an initial rate-determining pre-equilibrium to form an encounter complex ML6-Y from reactant ML6 and incoming ligand Y. This equilibrium is represented by the constant KE:
ML6 + Y ⇌ ML6-Y
The subsequent dissociation to form product is governed by a rate constant k:
ML6-Y → ML5Y + L
A simple derivation of the Eigen-Wilkins rate law follows:
[ML6-Y] = KE[ML6][Y]
[ML6-Y] = [M]tot - [ML6]
rate = k[ML6-Y]
rate = kKE[Y][ML6]
Leading to the final form of the rate law, using the steady-state approximation (d[ML6-Y] / dt = 0),
rate = kKE[Y][M]tot / (1 + KE[Y])
*Eigen-Fuoss equation:-
A further insight into the pre-equilibrium step and its equilibrium constant KE comes from the Fuoss-Eigen equation proposed independently by Eigen and R. M. Fuoss:
KE = (4πa3/3000) x NAexp(-V/RT)
Where a represents the minimum distance of approach between complex and ligand in solution (in cm), NA is the Avogadro constant, R is the gas constant and T is the reaction temperature. V is the Coulombic potential energy of the ions at that distance:
V = z1z2e2/4πaε
Where z is the charge number of each species and ε is the vacuum permittivity.
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